segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2011

I have a match!!!

Oiii gente!!
Então estou "matchada" como diz a Fer...ahsuahsuhsa
Familia de Suitland - Maryland - 30 minutos de Washington DC
Fazia tempão que eu não passava por aqui, conversei com 3 familias por skype antes de fechar com essa...
É uma menininha de 2 anos e a mãe está grávida...acho que terá o menininho no começo de abril...
Já gosto deles...rs...
No começo mta dúvidas, mas depois das conversas com as ex pairs deles e com as meninas que estão em Maryland, resolvi fechar ;)
Estou super revoltada agora....
Porque agendei o visto, mas tive que mudar a data, (porque a lindinha da minha mãe resolveu viajar, justo agora...fala sério...mas tmb não posso ser egoísta...rs...) ai estão me cobrando a taxa de 38 reais de novo...mas eu não sabia que não podia cancelar... Alguém sabe algo sobre isso???

Pois é, agora começa a correria de novo... Visto, presentes, compra de doláres....Muita coisa...
Vou tentar ser mais presente aqui...rs...


segunda-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2011

Waiting for families...

Olá...Tudo bem gente?
Quanto tempo que não passo por aqui...

Mas eh pq não estou tendo novidades tão boas, então nem dá mto ânimo...

Bom On line há 1 mês e 17 dias...(07 de dez)

1° Familia - pelo GAP em 26 de dezembro -1 boy de 1 ano muito fofo - Minnesota -
mas só querem pra depois de Julho
Teve mais duas do Gap, uma do Canadá...e outra de 4 kids que respondi o email mas eles não retornaram...

Pela Apia:

1° Família apareceu em 18 de janeiro, de Pennsylvania,  5 kids e mãe grávida
mas decidiram que só querem pro final do ano

2° São de Nova York , 2 boys de 5 e 3 anos...mandei email, isso em 20 de janeiro, mas hoje já é dia 24
e eles não responderam... =(

Ahh então é isso... nenhuma conversa por skype ainda...Tranquei a facul com uma dózinha...
Queria ter uma familia, pra trancar com mais convicção...
Pq fico perdendo tempo com a facul trancada...

Mas seja o que Deus quiser...

Bjos e Boa Semana pra todos...post meio desanimado...sorry :S

sábado, 11 de dezembro de 2010

Fiquei On e Encontro de Au Pair da APIA

Oi florzinhas....
Tudo bem?
Então tenho novidades....Fiquei On....Ebaaa!!!!
Mas ainda não apareceu nenhuma Family =( mas ficarei tranquila...ansiedade soh piora as coisas...rs
Estou sumida pq eh final de semestre, froids na Facul...

Hoje teve encontro das au pairs na Apia...Adorei...as meninas todas muito fofas....teve troca de presente e ganhei os gifts das fotinhas....adoreiii....Obrigada LU!!!! Bem no clima de au pair...
Adorei conhecer a Dre tmb..super animada...daqui a pouquinho adicionarei todas em tudo...rs...
Bem..eh isso...Beijos fiquem com Deus

quarta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2010

Family Letter

Oi miguxas (os)...
Tudo bem com vocês?
Eu estou aqui no finalzinho o meu turno e resolvi postar a minha Family Letter, nossa demorei tanto pra fazer e corrigi-la mas agora graças a Deus está ai prontinha ;)  Espero que seja útil pra alguém...
Bjos e vou tentar postar o vídeo logo logo logo

Dear Host Family,
My name is Andressa and I’m 20 years old. I live in Hortolândia which is a mid-sized city in the state of São Paulo. I like living here, because Hortolândia is near big cities like Campinas and São Paulo, where I have access to a lot of entertainment and education. I live with my dad Silvano, 48 years old, my mom Mirma, 45 years old, and my dog Pitty. I’m an only child but I have a lot of cousins younger than me, I really enjoy being with them, going to playgrounds, zoo, parks, playing in the pool and doing other things to have fun. I have a big and united family. We always do things together like traveling and gathering for huge family lunch, and I like it so much.

I can describe myself first of all as a person who likes children. I really enjoy taking care of them. I am patient, friendly, flexible, funny, responsible, honest, dedicated and organized. I like the simple things of life, such as traveling with my family and friends, going to the theater, movies, parks, reading, listening to music and cooking for my friends. I love driving. I am very careful driver. I have never crashed. I got my driver’s license when I was 18. I don’t have my own car but I drive my parents’ car all the time, and I’m used to driving my little cousin so it won’t be a problem if you need me to drive the kids around.

I’ve studied English for four years and I’m a sophomore in college, I study Business Administration I have always studied and worked and because of this I think I became more responsible and independent person.. I started working when I was 16, at GE as an electronic trainee, then when I was 19; I worked as a Business Administration trainee but I quite it last June to start one of the best experiences of my life, be a volunteer in a public daycare center.
I had this exceptional experience helping children with their meals, putting them in bed, changing diapers and bathing them, playing hide-and-seek, tag, ring-around-the-rose, hopscotch, in the playground, playing house and dolls, some actives in classroom like craft, drawing, painting, educative games, reading books and telling stories, I looked after babies from 4 months to 5 years old. They are so cute. I had the opportunity to learn, teach and have fun all at the same time. Before that, I also took care of Bia on Saturdays at home for 6 months, she was a 1 year old girl. I started the day bathing her, combing her hair, preparing her baby bottle. I used to take her for a walk and play in the park, then we would come back home for lunch and she would take a nap. In the afternoon we played a lot, with dolls, toys, educative games, painting, to stimulate her motor coordination. She loved listening to music, I would sing to her and tell her stories. We also watched cartoons together. I fed her with baby’s bottle changed her diapers and bathed her. Bia’s Mother is a single mom, so everytime she can, we took Bia to circus, zoo, mall and parks. She was calm and so lovely.

My cousin Caio lives near me, so I´ve seen him growing up, now he is 7 years old. I always help my aunt when she need it, like pick him up and drop him off at school, helping him with his homework, feeding and putting him to bed. We still play a lot, he loves soccer, riding bike together, playing hide and sick, puzzles, video game and watching cartoons. Brazil is a very hot place so we play in the pool a lot, by the way he is a great swimmer.
He used to enjoy when I read story to him and nowadays, he is learning how to read and write so now I just drive him to the library and help him out with some words he doesn´t understand.

So when a friend told me about the au pair program, I saw a great opportunity. As I said, I always liked children and it was a serious and reliable program, so I decided to get more experience dealing with children. Then I realized how they were special and how fulfilling it was taking care of them and all the time that I spent with my cousins, Bia and children from the daycare center were awesome, by far it was the best job I've ever had.

Now, a little about my expectation. The American culture has an enormous influence on my country as we watch a lot of American movies, listen to your music, eat fast food, etc. So going up to the US such as an au pair would be such a great opportunity to witness all that. Living and being part of your family, culture and your language is something I really desire.
It will be a dream come true living in the US, visit new places, take some courses, practice and improve my English, became more independent. I'm sure the best way to get it all is living with an American family for a while.

I'm prepared to live this new experience and I have the support of my family and friends.
It also would be a great pleasure to show you a little bit of my own culture.
You can be sure that I will give the best of me to your children. I hope we have a great relationship, become good friends and have a nice year together.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Best Regards

domingo, 28 de novembro de 2010

Primeiro Post

Hey Pessoal...Tudo bem??
Aqui está o meu primeiro post...
Gostaria de ter criado o Blog antes, mas só agora que deu ânimo...rs...
Bem... descobri o programa há um ano e meio mais ou menos...
E desde então comecei a pesquisar muito sobre esse mundinho de au pairs, ficava e ainda fico horas e horas lendo blogs, assistindo vídeo, na comu do orkut etc
Algumas dificuldades que encontrei foram:
* Decidir a agência...ó dúvida...Fiquei entre a STB e a Experimento, decidi a segunda pq conhecia mais meninas que tinha ido por ela e deram boas indicações
* Experiencia com Kids, não tinha nenhuma =/
Resolvi isso cuidando por um tempo aos sábados da filha da minha amiga, e fui na creche do meu bairro fazer voluntatiado by the way adoreiii...as crianças de lá eram demais...fiquei feliz pois não sabia que gostava tanto de criança...
* Convencer namorado que conseguiriamos continuar o namoro mesmo longe, essa é uma longa história, mas resumindo não estamos mais juntos...mas calmem teve outros motivos além do programa...rs
* Decidir se aceitaria um emprego numa multinacional ou continuaria no programa, decidi fazer os dois...rs...estou trabalhando (de madrugada) e no processo...
* Convencer minha mãe, ou melhor, minha família que o programa era seguro, ainda não sei se estão muito convencidos..rs..
Bem, essas foram as mais relevantes lembro...
Bem estou esperando o aceite e pelo jeito vai demorar =(
Fiquei sabendo ontem que tirei 4 no Itep, minha agente disse que é uma boa nota...créditos às meninas do Skype que me deram várias dica...
Obrigada Camila e Débora, vocês foram umas FOFAS *-*
Agora é esperar, estou começando a ficar ansiosa...mas tentarei manter a calma, até porque estou trabalhando e juntando din din enquanto isso...
Bjos...até o próximo!!!